Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Super Duper Expanded Baby Registry Checklist

Or maybe it should be the Expanded Squared baby registry checklist?  Whatever it doesn't matter.  You can see the first edition  the basic essentials registry here.  The second edition was the expanded registry that you can see here.  This version is the luxury, bigger ticket items, the nursery decor items, and items that are for beyond the first year.

Nursery lighting
Nursery lamp
I love Kai's nusery lamp

Nursery wall decor
Nursery closet organizer
Glider and ottoman  I have a Shermag glider and ottoman and I love it.  I got it on Black Friday from Babies R Us for 149 for both pieces.
Changing table  If you aren't using the dresser top, you can opt for an actual changing table.
Nursing stool
Nursery window curtains
Storage baskets
Video monitor  I have the Summer Infant Day & Night Baby Video Monitor.  It gets the job done, but if we have a baby number two I want to get one with the talk back feature and one that is more portable.

Crib rail covers I recommend the Trend-Lab Crib Wrap Rail Guard .

Portable baby swing  I had an older version of the Fisher-Price SpaceSaver Swing.  I used it a number of times when we were at my sister's house and it did the job.
Extra car seat base
Bundle me
Car seat toys

Nursing cover  I had one that I never used.  The Aden and Anais blankets I mentioned on the previous checklist worked so well that I just always used those.

Formula feeding
Bottle warmer  I had the Munchkin High Speed Bottle and Food Warmer.  I used it when I was pumping, but then it was just easier to heat the bottles in a cup of hot water.
Bottle sterilizer
Insulated bottle tote

Solids Feeding
Booster seat  This might be handy if your high chair doesn't convert.
Baby food maker

Wipes warmer
Potty chair  or Potty ring  I use the potty ring since the idea of having to clean a small potty chair out after a poop in it really grosses me out for some reason.
Child step stool   I have the BABYBJORN Safe Step and like it.  He hasn't managed to destroy it which is always a plus and it is quite sturdy.

Baby bath robe Adorable but completely impractical
Water temperature tester

Children's Benadryl
Toddler toothbrush
** If you have a very resistant to teeth brushing child, try and electric (battery) toothbrush.  This made all the difference with Destructo.
Toddler toothpaste
Hand sanitizer
First aid kit
**If you are planning on circumcising your boy, a few other things you might consider adding are Vaseline and gauze pads.

 Other things (aka I am tired of making new categories up
Baby laundry detergent
**I used All Free and Clear when Kai was a baby and then switched over to homemade detergent and never had problems.  It was a lot cheaper than baby laundry soap.
Toddler toys
Toddler books
** I have a number of favorite toys and books of Destructo on my favorite things page.

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